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Applications are invited for filling up the post of Receptionist in the Embassy of India, Lisbon

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Applications are invited for filling up the post of Receptionist in the Embassy of India, Lisbon as per the Terms and Conditions below.

Minimum Requirements :

  • Applicant must be a Graduate from a recognized University in Portugal;

  • Age: 21 - 35 years;

  • Must be fluent in both Portuguese and English spoken and written;

  • Must be conversant with secretarial/office assistant work and IT work;

  • Preferably should have 5 years work experience in the field of secretarial and translation work;

  • Knowledge of India.

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae to Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Rua Pêro da Covilhã, Nº16, Restelo, 1400-297, Lisboa (hoc@mea.gov.in), with a copy endorsed to consular@indembassy-lisbon.org by July 29, 2016. Suitable candidates will be called for written exam and personality (interview) test.

The selected candidate will be appointed initially on probation of 6 months.