Embassy of India
Passport/Consular/OCI Services Details and fee chart with effect from 01/04/2022
Please note: For all Consular/Passport, Visa and OCI services, registration in Sampark is mandatory. Please visit the given link to register and book an appointment with the Embassy - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/sampark/login.php
I. Passport & Passport related Services
SL No |
Documents Required
ICWF Charges
Postal Charges
Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
1.Duly Filled PCC application form ttps://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample form ( For reference purpose only)https://tinyurl.com/y8e34fzq
2.Original Passport 3.Passport Copy (first page and last page of passport) 4.Copy of any Residence proof (Junta/NIF) of Portugal/valid Portuguese residence permit copy.
20.00 Euros
Renunciation of Indian Nationality
The Government of India has decided that the declarations of renunciation (Form XXII) of Indian Citizenship is to be done through online system only. The steps of the new procedure are as follows:
- The applicant would fill his/her details online and upload the relevant documents on the online portal of MHA viz. https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/. The applicant has to pay fee in the Embassy with the printout of online application as prescribed in Schedule IV of the Citizenship Rules 2009.
- The applicant would take print-out of his online application and visit the Embassy for interview, signing the declaration and to submit the printout of the application with following documents.
1.Original Indian passport along with Passport Copy (first page and last page) 2.Portuguese Passport copy 3.Portuguese Birth Certificate copy (all three pages) with endorsement stamp of date of acquisition of Portuguese Nationality.
- A person who has ceased to be Indian citizen is required to surrender the documents which he/she had acquired on the basis of his Indian Citizenship (e.g. Voter ID Card, Aadhar etc.) to be authorities concerned.
- The minimum prescribed time for the procedure of Renunciation of Citizenship and surrender of Passport, is eight weeks, after receipt of the duly completed application in the Embassy.
For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
80.00 Euro Who obtained foreign citizenship on or after1st June, 2010
21.00 Euro Who obtained foreign citizenship before 1st June, 2010
Renewal of Passport (above 14 years)
1.Duly Filled Passport application form - https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample Passport application ( For Reference only)- https://tinyurl.com/yd8gtbqh 2. Original Passport 3.Passport Copy (first page and last page) 4.Copy of valid Resident permit. If applicant is not a resident permit holder than any 4 proof (Junta, NIF, Social Security contribution statement, Work contract with contact details (email address, telephone number, full address and NIF number) of Employer. For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
60 Euros
Renewal of Passport (below 14 years)
1.Duly Filled Passport application form - https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample Passport application ( For Reference only) https://tinyurl.com/yd8gtbqh 2. Original Passport 3.Passport Copy (first page and last page) 4.Copy of Resident permit. If applicant is not a resident permit holder any 3 proof (Junta, NIF, Social Security contribution statement,Work contract with contact details (email address, telephone number, full address and NIF number) of Employer. 5.Please note that parent’s signatures are required on the form with their passport and residence proof copies (Kindly note if one parent is not living in Portugal authority letter alongwith ID proof is required to be submitted.) For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
40 Euros
Fresh Passport for Minor including Birth Registration
1.Please check the documents on -https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/ 2.Duly Filled Passport application form - https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample Passport application ( For Reference only)- https://tinyurl.com/yd8gtbqh
3.Original and photocopy of parent's passport. 4.Duly filled child's birth registration form - https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/ 5.Original and photocopy of Residence Card / valid Visa of parents. If no valid resident permit, Junta, NIF, Social Security contribution statement,Work contract with contact details (email address, telephone number, full address and NIF number) of Employer. 6.Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate of the Child 7.Marriage certificate of parents duly apostilled by Ministry of External Affairs, India. In case of no marriage certificate , sworn affidavit to be made by both parents.
8.Please note that parent’s signatures are required on the form with their passport and residence proof copies (kindly note if one parent is not living in Portugal authority letter alongwith ID proof is required to be submitted.) For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
40 Euros (For fresh passport of Minor)
17 (for birth registration)
Damaged passport
1.Duly Filled Passport application form - https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample Passport application ( For Reference only)- https://tinyurl.com/yd8gtbqh 2.Original Passport 3.Passport Copy (first page and last page) 4.Copy of Residence proof of Portugal/Portuguese residence card copy (Junta, NIF, Social Security contribution statement, Work contract with contact details (email address, telephone number, full address and NIF number) of Employer. 5.Salary slips of one year & proof of tax contribution 6. Sworn affidavit- How passport has been damaged. For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
110 Euros
Lost Passport
1.Duly Filled Passport application form - https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html Sample Passport application ( For Reference only)- https://tinyurl.com/yd8gtbqh 2.Passport Copy (first page and last page) 3.Police Report’s copy and original 4.Copy of Residence proof of Portugal/Portuguese residence card copy (Junta,NIF, Social Security contribution statement, Work contract with contact details (email address, telephone number, full address and NIF number) of Employer. 5.Salary slips of one year & proof of tax contribution6. Affidavit ( To be filled in hard copy and duly signed ) - https://tinyurl.com/y8owtb88 For more information Please visit - https://www.eoilisbon.gov.in/page/passports/
110 Euros
II. Consular Services
Driving License Declaration
1. EAP II duly filled form from Sampark. ( Sample EAP II form - https://tinyurl.com/yb6hp55j) 2. Passport Copy (first page, visa and back page) 3. Copy of one Residence proof of Portugal/valid Portuguese residence card copy. 4. Driving License Copy 5. Regional Transport Office (RTO) declaration duly apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs (original and self-attested copy)
17.00 Euros
Consular Inscription Certificate
1. EAP II duly filled form from Sampark. ( Sample EAP II form - https://tinyurl.com/yb6hp55j) 2. Passport Copy (first page and last page) 3. Copy of one Residence proof of Portugal/ valid Portuguese residence card copy. Same as S. No. 8.
17.00 Euros
Nationality Certificate
1. EAP II duly filled form from Sampark. ( Sample EAP II form - https://tinyurl.com/yb6hp55j) 2. Passport Copy (first page and last page) 3. Copy of one Residence proof of Portugal/valid Portuguese residence card copy.
17.00 Euros
Matrimonial Condition Certificate
1. EAP II duly filled form from Sampark. ( Sample EAP II form - https://tinyurl.com/yb6hp55j) 2. Passport Copy (first page and last page) 3. Copy of one Residence proof of Portugal/valid Portuguese residence card copy. 4. Bachelorship or eligibility of marriage certificate issued by a court of law (Gram Panchayat) in India and is apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs (original and copy)
17 Euros
Certificate giving details of birth as extracted from Passport
1. EAP II duly filled form from Sampark. ( Sample EAP II form - https://tinyurl.com/yb6hp55j) 2. Passport Copy (first page and last page) 3. Copy of one Residence proof of Portugal/valid Portuguese residence card copy.
17 Euros
Registration of Death and Transportation of a Dead Body to India
1. Death Certificate Form - https://tinyurl.com/y76a7c2c 2. Original and Photocopy of passport of the deceased 3.Death certificate (original and copy) issued by Portuguese registration office 4.Cause of death certificate (original and copy) issued by the Hospital 5.Sanitary certificate (original and copy) for transport of corpses from Portugal to India issued by Portuguese Health Authority 6.“Livre-Transito Mortuario” (Free Mortuary Traffic) (original and copy) issued by PSP (Policia de Seguranca Publica) 7.Embalming Certificate (original and copy) 8. Identity document (original and copy) for the person registering the death All the certificates from serial no 3 to 7 needs to duly translated in English and notorized by Portuguese notary.
1 Euro
III. Attestation
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Commercial Documents
1. Please bring original and copy of documents(which are to be attested) and identification document (identitycard / passport / PIO card / OCI card).
42 Euros
Power of Attorney (related to non-property matters)
1. Original and two photocopies of power of attorney and IDs. 2. Original and copy of Passport 3. Copy of residence proof of Portugal
9 Euros
Power of Attorney (related to property matters)
1. Power of attorney (related to property matters) is to be signed by the person and two witnesses, in the presence of the consular officer of the Embassy. 2. The person and two witnesses should bring an identification document (identitycard / passport / PIO card / OCI card) 3. Original and two photocopies of power of attorney and IDs. 4. Original and copy of Passport 5. Copy of residence proof of Portugal
17 Euros
General Attestations
1. Document needs to be signed by the person in the presence of the consular officer of the Embassy. 2. Original and copy of Passport 3. Copy of residence proof of Portugal 4. Please bring original and copy of documents to be attested and identification document (identity card / passport/ PIO card / OCI card).
9 Euros
Life certificate
1. Pension Payment order Number 2. Original and copy of Passport 3. Copy of residence proof of Portugal
IV. OCI Services
For various services and queries you may please write to the following emails
1.Consular services PCC/Passport- cons[dot]lisbon[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
2.Visa Services – visa[dot]lisbon[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
3.OCI services – oci[dot]lisbon[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
For Consular queries please call = +351-920466584 ( Between 2 30 pm – 5 pm)
For more details please visit www.eoilisbon.gov.in